Hello! Sunday afternoon and once again I'm behind with an update. No excuses, just busy with work and life - how's that?!
Big news - I've turned a corner with Sarah Tuel. No - literally - a corner has been turned and tonight I'm on my way down the official home stretch toward a finish. See what I mean?
Looking at the fuzzy picture that came with the kit, I wasn't too sure what to think of the simple looking vases that fill the bottom corners. But now that I have one of them in, I do think I'm going to enjoy their simplicity. The rest of the piece is so busy and detailed, it seems like there's an almost hurried or unfinished feel to them.
No doubt Sarah was feeling ready to be done with the whole thing by the time she came to putting them in. Trust me Sarah, I feel your pain! Especially after struggling valiantly to get this over one expanse in.....
Looks now like I got the over one in just fine, but took a few spills up there in the gold dividing band. Repairs are in order no doubt.....I've set a goal to have Sarah finished up in time for Thanksgiving, but saying something like that usually means it's not going to happen. So I'll just keep poking along with her and pray the end will come along easily if not quickly!
And speaking of repairs being in order.....now let me move along to my latest flight of fancy, the Hey Teach! Cardigan. No fewer that five attempts at the lace pattern in the bodice happened before I got it all figured out. This is supposedly what it should look like:
See all those nice straight stitches rising out of (at least a few) of the points in the lace work? Each point is supposed to have one of those. Unfortunately. more than a few of them got mangled along the way. See what I mean?
So my dilemma is do I pull them back out (AGAIN!!!!) and make one more attempt at perfection, or do I keep limping along in the hopes of better stitches to come? A case could be built for either argument. On the one hand, this is the back of the sweater, so all errors will not be in my line of sight. Only those poor individuals who have the misfortune to walk of sit behind me will see the errors of my way. I also have to take into consideration that sweater season in central Florida lasts all of about 6 weeks, If this baby isn't done and ready to wear within a month, the chances of caring about it at all go down to zero. But on the other hand, can I really be happy with it when I know it's riddled with goofs? Maybe I'll just stick with my samplers.
A few personal photos.....the race for governor in Florida has sunk to a rotten, smelly low this year. Can't wait for election day to get here, just so the attack ads will come to their miserable end. Needles to say though, we take our voting responsibilities seriously in our family and have faithfully turned out for all the primaries and run-off elections leading up to the final election. This is a selfy Halley took after promoting the liberal agenda at our low turn-out precinct. You go girl - love ya!.
And here are Ruby and Molly, promoting their own agenda one day when it was too rainy to go out and play, Love you girls too!
For those of you who are wondering, there still is no finish on the Sampler Necessaire I posted about last time, but I do appreciate the comments! I'm planning to offer the charts up for it as a giveaway as soon as I'm done, so please hang in there with me! Hope your Sunday has been cool, dry and full of time for stitching.
Hi, Mary, your Sarah Tuel is just beautiful! Are the people all over one? If not finished by Thanksgiving, I'm sure you'll make it by Christmas. Sweet puppy dogs...
Great family photos! Plus Sarah is just beautiful. I can't imagine all that over one!
Love your Sarah Tuel, Mary! Especially the verse. I will have to keep my eye out for that pattern. I think the knitting looks awesome, and love the color too! Have a great week!
Sarah Tuel is just amazing! And guess what? I discovered I have the kit in my stash! lol! I'm very happy! Love the sweater. I think you should keep going. By the time you get to the front, you'll have it down for sure!
Sarah Tuel is just outstanding. I really love this sampler. Your knitting is lovely. The yarn looks so soft and pretty...
ST looks great! Good idea to nit leave the over 1 until the end. I'm sure you'll meet your goal!
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