Let me start be saying I'm so happy to have several new followers lately, I can't tell you just how tickled I am about that . Welcome!!
As for me, I've taken my 2 year, New Year's resolution and stuck to the plan. That means focused concentration strictly on Ann Grimshaw, nearly to the point of obsession. Why is it on these big girl projects that the closer you get to the ultimate finish, the slower the progress seems to be? I could swear I've stitched a million miles and at least that many alphabets on her the past two weeks. But when I look at the picture on the chart and try to estimate how much more there still is to go, it feels like I'll be working on this behemoth for another hundred years. Sort of like by the time she's done, this Ann will also will be an antique sampler?
I had the notion that this bottom alphabet would go quickly because it just wasn't very large. What was I thinking? Yes, there wasn't as much stitching in it, but for that very reason, it also didn't take up much real estate on the linen. Turns out, eating up the space is what it's all about for me at this point.
See what I mean? That larger lower case alphabet that's now underway actually seems easier and less cramped to work on,.probably because it consumes more of the linen surface area.
Fortunately, these two little beauties were straightforward and quick, More importantly they are the last two motifs on the left side. A milestone of sorts!
So I hope you all will hang in there with me as I keep slogging away at Ann. I would dearly love to have her finished by the end of February. Maybe I'll do a giveaway as the grand finale approaches?
I forgot to mention a little something about this a few posts back. I bought a little gifty for myself - Scarlet Letter's "The Knox Family Sampler". Merry Christmas to me!

I've wanted to do a Scottish sampler for a long time now, and the houses and barns are enticing. Also, since I grew up an Knox County Illinois and graduated from Know College, the name itself has a strong connection for me. So while I've sworn to stitch the straight and narrow path until all three of my endless big girls are completely on their own, having this one next in the queue seems like extra motivation for showing them the door.
So I'll stop here and head back to more time on the endless Ann Grimshaw, Will have to remember to come up for air from time to time. Thanks for stopping by!
OK, I think I'll start mine this evening. I love your Ann! What fabric count are stitching her on?
I love the over dyed you chose to stitch your Ann! I finished mine the beginning of 2013, all black, and she is hanging proudly in my dining room. I find that it always takes longer than you think, especially toward the end, and especially if you have a new start lined up already!! LOL! Have fun with her, she'll be finished soon enough. Laura
Oh Mary, your 'Ann' is beautiful! The more I see, the more I am in love with the Finnegan's Fog ... pretty, pretty, pretty. What a magnificent heirloom you will have!
Ann is just beautiful. I love the colour you chose for her. You will get her done and then you'll be so happy you persisted!
The Knox family sampler is a good one too!
Your Ann is going to be so worth the time and effort! I so love it! I've always wanted to stitch Ann, but never have. Love your present to yourself too. Nice choice!
Somehow I missed your last post. Great goals! Ann is amazing. The color blue is just beautiful. You will be finished sooner than you think. I do love all the samplers you are working on!
She is stunning!! Press on!! :)
That's so funny about how they seem to slow down as one nears the finish! I'm so glad you mentioned it because I thought it was just me going a little crazy. It's like running in slow motion in a dream. :)
It is fantastic, Mary! You can do it. Also love the new SL pattern you chose. I have an order of 5 more SL patterns coming my way, lol! Looks like you will finish your Ann before I get back to mine! Have a great week.
All your stitching looks so fantastic.
Looks so good.Love the colour thread you are using.
Mary, it looks great! I love the colors in Ann. Hang in there, you can do it!!!
Bdeautiful! ♥♥♥
I'm not a big sampler stitcher, but this one truly is tempting me, Mary!! It is just gorgeous!!!
Ann is looking great as always. Very nice progress. And the new Scarlet Letter sampler you chose seems to be just perfect for you. That name coincidence is funny.
"Ann Grimshaw" is amazing. So is your perseverance. Just the fact she is in only one color would have me crying for mercy. "Knox" looks like the perfect reward for all the effort "Ann" is calling for.
Absolutely love this! Great motifs and love the color!! Great new project you have picked as well.
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