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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Birthday, Julia!

So let me say this right up front - the video I'm about to post is NOT directly stitching related.  But if it thrills you the same way it did me, it won't matter one bit.  In our house, Julia Child is something of a rock star.  I'm sure she's cooking for Elvis these days.  After watching this so many times I'm embarrassed to admit, my reaction ran for charmed and amused at first to mesmerized and touched .  Bon appetit....and Julia, you rock!!

 Now, on to the real deal....what's been going on in Jean Rattray's garden!  Since the last time I posted, I'm managed to complete the entire border - whew!!! - and get the Tree of Life in too.  Here's how she looked this morning:
You can see I've got a small start on the grove of pine trees that sprouts up in the middle of the bottom portion.  There are also some big flowering urns on either side to add in too.  I think I'll work on them as the grove of trees gets tedious.  There are nine trees in the grove, all identical in the same forest green shade.  Even though some of them also have a few birds and other wildlife perched in them, I'm anticipating a bit of a slog to get them done.  Margaret commented on the funny little figure on the left side of the garden and so I've tried to research a little more on the symbolism of it.  I vaguely remember reading somewhere (??) these little guys will sometime turn up in Adam and Eve samplers as another representation of Satan.  It's confusing though, because isn't that what the serpent is for?  Anyway, I don't remember now where I read that and all the looking in my stitching references didn't turn anything up.  If anyone else know something more or finds a good source for it, please share! Being the history geek that I am, I've delayed the actual start on my Atocha sampler until September 6th, because that's the date the actual shipwreck occurred.  Nerdy and sentimental.... yes, I know!  But there just seems to be honor it beginning a piece dedicated to a specific moment in time on the anniversary of its occurrence.  Delaying the start has given me a little more time to focus on Jean's Garden of Eden. It's also allowed me to go a little crazy choosing a complete color palette for the piece. Originally I was planning to use some of my hand dyed silks.  But since I'm making a full conversion with the colors, I wanted to have a broad range of choices within the "Gulf of Mexico" vibe.  After rummaging around in the DMC boxes at my local Michael's, here's what I'll be playing with:

Can't wait to get started - come on, September 6th!!

Here's hoping everyone is managing to stay cool and good natured during these dog days.  Tampa is about to be overrun with Republicans for the upcoming RNC.  Should be an interesting few days, but I'm not planning to go anywhere near downtown!

Off to find a nice glass of chilled Chardonnay and  make some progress on that grove of trees....


Margaret said...

Oh my gosh, the color palette for your Atocha Sampler is just wonderful! Love your Jean Rattray too. That's interesting about the figure -- Satan, really? So interesting! I hope someone else knows more about it. I'd be interested to know. Oh, and I definitely understand waiting to start your sampler till September 6. I love history!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

I loved the video - thanks for sharing it! Jean Rattray is looking gorgeous! I feel your pain on the grove of trees. That kind of repetitive motif and always in the same color gets me, too. Love your color pallet for the Atocha Sampler and can't wait to see it in progress.

Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

The Garden looks great, if you ask me that figure to the left looks like a stern religious authorative type female telling those free loving hippies to put their clothes back on, lol - looking forward to your new start - love the threads you pulled for it.

Deb said...

I love all things Julia - and I loved that video!! Jean Rattray is looking wonderful and one that I'm going to have to add to the stitching list!! I didn't know that about the figure near Adam and Eve, but I love it!! And I can't wait to see your start on the Atocha Sampler. I love those colors.

Elizabeth said...

Wow - love your A&E sampler! It's not one I've seen before (I think) and I really like it! Oh no, another one goes on the list! The colors for your next sampler look wonderful :)

Mindi said...

I love the colors you've picked out for you Atocha Sampler, just gorgeous! I'm not very great with religious symbolism, but that little guy being Satan is interesting. I'll go along with one of the earlier comments that he sort of looks like a Quaker, and upset about a nude Adam and Eve.

Mindi said...

Oh, I totally forgot the main reason I clicked over to post a comment from the blog reader - Julie rocks! She's one of my super stars too.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Looking fantastic!

Keeper of the Crowes said...

Oh my goodness, your Jean Rattay sampler is gorgeous and I just love the color palette you've chosen for the Atacha Sampler. Can't wait to see your progress.