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Monday, May 28, 2012

Another Sarah

Things are moving along on Frances B!  I'll have another update on her in a few days, maybe when her big blue house is in order.  But in the meantime, I came across some pics of another work in progress, Sarah Tuel, and thought I'd trot her out for show.

Here's where things stand with this Sarah....

This Sarah is another one of the Examplarery kits I scored during my e-Bay stitching kit period.  I was thoroughly charmed by her wide floral border and the mockingbird top center. 

But now that her charm has worn a bit thin, it's been nearly a year since I've given her any face time at all.  Still though, there's every hope she'll see a finish.......someday.  Why is it always a matter of soooo many projects, soooo little time and perheps even less long term endurance?   As is my typical MO, I've left her over half finished.  Too much done to abandon her. too much still undone to have much ambition!  So I'm hoping this post will help me feel the love for her again.

Part of the reason why this Sarah has fallen out of favor is because of all the over one stitching required if I want to stay true to the original.  Other than the bottom panel of the floral border, everything else that remains to be done inside is worked over one.  Talk about a major stitching buzz-kill.....

However, I did some improvising on the berry band, which was also supposed to be over one.  It occured to me that I ought to be able to do a decent job with it simply by following the general design, but working over two threads and compensating when necessary.  Here's a close up of the results.  Not an exact replica of the original, but not all that different, either.

So my plan is to do the same with what remains and hope for a final finsh that isn't too far off the mark.  Lesson learned:  read the instructions carefully - with an eye for the words "worked over one thread" - before diving in!

Here's hoping your Memorial Day is full of fun, family and food.


Margaret said...

Wow, Sarah Tuel is just gorgeous!! Wow! She looks like another of these RI samplers? They all seem to have lots of over one in the middle parts. Looks like it will be worth it though. I like your creativity with the berry band -- looks great!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I like the changes you've made with the over one berry section. I've not done a lot of over one but I've done enough to know I'm not a big fan!

Lois said...

All that over one stitching? Yes, definitely daunting! She is a beauty though and given that you've stitched so much I hope you can fall back in love with her a bit more. Definitely like your idea of avoiding having to do so much over one!

Catherine said...

Very pretty!! Love the colors!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

What a gorgeous sampler. I love over one and the way it looks is fantastic! Love what you've done!

Solstitches said...

Your sampler is beautiful.
I also love the stitched piece in your blog header.