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Sunday, September 6, 2015

End of Summer Blossoms

Greetings on a soggy Labor Day Sunday!  Wish I could say summer was over down here, but the month of September is usually the most tropical of all.  Or maybe it's just that I'm that much more tired of heat and humidity?  I've spent the past few mornings hoping it would be cool and dry enough to walk in our local park, but it's still too soon for that.  So, I'll just drudge on through the rest of September and wait for the real change of season coming sooner or later in October.

Toward that end, I thought it might be fun to post about all the end of summer bursts of color I've noticed lately.  Speaking of which, here are the blossoms that sprung up on Miss Hannah Pepper since my last post.

Pretty spectacular, even if I do say so myself.

I'd set a goal to have Hannah finished by the end of September, but at this point, I just don't know if Hannah and I will make it bv then.  The rest of the stitching left on her is simply a mirror image of what's above. But my work schedule for the rest of the month is a bear and I already know there will be limited time for her.  Maybe her finish will come with the first cool dry morning surely to arrive in October.......

I think I've mentioned before how lovely the blossoms on our annual okra plantings are.  We've had a bumper crop this summer with all the rain in July  and the intense sunshine in August.  Such fun to watch!  The transformation goes from buttery yellow blossoms with deep velvet centers....

  to brilliant green okra pods, ready for picking....

...to a favorite southern delicacy - okra pickles! 

Other spots of color to be found  include fire spike, which attracted humming birds all summer long, as well as a bevy of butterflies each morning....

Spanish petunia, which always reminds me of strolling the neighborhoods of Key West....

...and Beauty Berry, which ripens to deep purple as surely as autumn does approach.

So as my thoughts turn to fall, I'm hoping the weather mellows along with them.  Here's wishing for a cool and dry Labor Day to all.

Thanks for stopping to chat!


krayolakris said...

Your flowers are beautiful! I didn't know okra was so pretty (sure is tasty!). Your sampler is outstanding!

Barb said...

Hannah is beautiful! I love a sampler with flowers. Your own flowers are very pretty too. I never knew okra could be so pretty.

Marilyn said...

Hannah is so pretty.
The flowers are gorgeous, especially the Okra and the Beauty Berry.
Have a great Labor Day.

Vickie said...

Lovely stitching. I have never had okra. The flowers are pretty. The Beauty Berry is gorgeous.

Robin in Virginia said...

What lovely plants you have! Your Hannah is looking good; I like her pot of flowers.

Robin in Virginia

Nupur said...

I loved this post... each time I see Hannah I wonder why I never acted on the temptation to stitch her.
Also, would love the recipe for the Okra pickles - don't believe I've ever tried it; heading to Florida again shortly - seems like we have spent all summer there this year!
Thanks for sharing such a sampling of summer

Melissa said...

Hannah is looking beautiful and you are making good progress, Mary!

I love seeing that okra flower. I've never grown them (not the thing around here) so I didn't know that's how they grow. So pretty!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Hannah is gorgeous, as is her bouquet. Definitely on my someday stitch list. Your garden pics are beautiful!

woolwoman said...

I was shocked to see that beautiful flower turn into an okra pod. I adore okra - DH just made a big pot of chicken gumbo out of a huge batch of okra and tomatoes I had made. I'd love to try and grow some, I love picked okra but sometimes they can be tough and unappealing so I quite buying them. I do like Wickles brand but rarely see them for sale here but can find them in AL. your Hannah is just beautiful ! so gorgeous - you are in the home stretch now, hang in there, remain calm and keep stitching. I know what you mean about being SO tired of the heat and humidity and the RAIN - OMG THE RAIN ! makes good stitching weather but things really need to dry out. Let's hope some cooler weather is on the way - Mel

Margaret said...

Your Hannah is so so gorgeous! I love her! I should start her, but I remember that there were errors on the chart??? Is that true? My mind doesn't retain such information. lol! Love all the pretties from your garden too. The okra flower -- wow! Who knew?

Carol said...

I'm sure you're looking forward to the cooler days of October, Mary! Can't imagine FL in the summer (ours has been horrid enough up here in PA!). Hannah is looking grand as is your garden. I had never heard of okra pickles, but they sure come from a beautiful flower so I'll bet they are mighty tasty :)